Saturday, July 29, 2006


You are 'Latin'. Even among obsolete skills, thetongue of the ancient Romans is a realanachronism. With its profusion of differentcases and conjugations, Latin is more than alanguage; it is a whole different way ofthinking about things.You are very classy, meaning that you value theclassics. You value old things, good thingswhich have stood the test of time. You valuethings which have been proven worthy andvaluable, even if no one else these days seesthem that way. Your life is touched by acertain 'pietas', or piety; perhaps you areeven a Stoic. Nonetheless, you have a certainfascination with the grotesque and the profane.Also, the modern world rejects you like a badtransplant. Your problem is that Latin hasbeen obsolete for a long time.What obsolete skill are you?brought to you by Quizilla


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